
UMBC LSAMP Experiences includes:

Individualized Holistic Advising

Meet individually and in small groups with a member of the LSAMP staff to discuss academic, professional, and personal growth.

Learning Community

Co-construct conversations with your peers to build friendships, gain academic support, and connect ideas across STEM.

Research and Scholarly Activities

Partner with campus faculty to make intellectual contributions in your discipline. Present at national conferences.

Professional Development

Engage in workshops to expand knowledge of discipline and strengthen your skills as a scientist or engineer.

Wellness Sessions

Participate in a series of wellness activities to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Consider the role of mindfulness in activities.

Student Leadership

Learn to support and advocate for others on campus and in the local, national, and global community.

Graduate School Preparation

Build on knowledge and skills as STEM students to increase interest in graduate education and careers that require graduate education.