UMBC News and Magazine Headlines

From UMBC News and Magazine

Linda Dusman, Music, Profiled on NewMusicBox

Linda Dusman, professor of music, was profiled on the contemporary music website NewMusicBox in a feature by Molly Sheridan, “Linda Dusman—Leading a Creative Life.” The video accompanying the text...

Posted: March 22, 2012, 1:23 PM

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun

The latest Baltimore Sun column by UMBC political science professor Thomas Schaller delves into the Democratic primary election in Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District, a seat held by longtime...

Posted: March 21, 2012, 5:44 PM

Tower Transformer: Kelley Bell '06, MFA

Picture this: It’s a cool, crisp night and you’re cruising north up Interstate 95, with the city of Baltimore rising up before you. The image of a metropolis can rise and fall with its skyline and...

Posted: March 21, 2012, 5:39 PM

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun

“The protracted battle for the Republican presidential nomination is about to thrust Maryland’s GOP voters into the unusual position of having a voice in a national political contest even though...

Posted: March 21, 2012, 5:18 PM

Eric Zeemering, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun

UMBC’s Eric Zeemering, assistant professor of public policy, commented in the Baltimore Sun this week on a measure that would allow residents of New Windsor to recall their local elected...

Posted: March 21, 2012, 4:25 PM

David H. Murray, Economics Student, in the Washington Post

The Washington Post‘s “Maryland Schools Insider” blog reports that UMBC’s David H. Murray ’14, economics, is running for a seat on the Prince George’s County Board of Education. Murray has...

Posted: March 21, 2012, 4:08 PM

Rovert Provine, Psychology, in Business Day

“Thing could always be worse,” Robert Provine, professor of psychology, reminds us in an essay published by Business Day. “We have all heard of the ‘grass is greener’ syndrome. This is its...

Posted: March 21, 2012, 3:43 PM

Leaving a Legacy: George Vitak '73, BioSci

“There are not that many of me left,” George Vitak, ’73, biological sciences, says jovially as we walk together from the Library Pond back to his office in the University Center on a blustery late...

Posted: March 19, 2012, 5:35 PM