UMBC News and Magazine Headlines

From UMBC News and Magazine

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun

In his latest Baltimore Sun column, UMBC political science professor Thomas F. Schaller critiques conservative pundits’ concerns about “redistributive welfare” in the U.S. today. Schaller argues,...

Posted: October 3, 2012, 5:05 PM

Jamie Harrison, DoIT, Inducted into Cricket Hall of Fame

The Cricket Hall of Fame in Hartford, Connecticut will hold its annual induction ceremony Saturday in Hartford, Connecticut. The Class of 2012 includes Jamie Harrison, president of the United...

Posted: October 3, 2012, 4:39 PM

George Derek Musgrove, History, in Greene County Democrat

History professor George Derek Musgrove spoke The Greene County Democrat for aSeptember 26th story entitled “Newswire: Cong. Maxine Waters cleared of House ethics charges.” The story concerned...

Posted: October 3, 2012, 3:15 PM

Ellen Handler Spitz, Honors College, on artcritical

Ellen Handler Spitz recently reviewed the Museum of Modern Art exhibit “The Century of the Child:: Growing by Design 1900-2000” for the online magazine artcritical. Spitz says that the exhibit...

Posted: September 28, 2012, 8:22 PM

Kimberly Moffitt, American Studies, in the Baltimore Sun

Kimberly Moffitt, assistant professor of American Studies, responded to the new film “Won’t Back Down” in a September 28 Baltimore Sun op-ed entitled “Education blame game leaves kids behind.”...

Posted: September 28, 2012, 7:51 PM

Lee Boot, IRC, Featured in New Book

Lee Boot, associate director of the Imaging Research Center, is featured in Convergence, a new book from theNational Academy of Sciences that highlights the academy’s exceptional and growing art...

Posted: September 28, 2012, 6:18 PM

George LaNoue, Political Science, in Washington City Paper

Washington City Paper has been covering a story about D.C.’s Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) contracting system and today responded to Mayor Gray’s statement that he’ll soon announce “a number...

Posted: September 28, 2012, 3:10 PM