UMBC News and Magazine Headlines

From UMBC News and Magazine

Slideshow: ANCS Reunion with Alumni and Founding Faculty

The presentation of gifts to founding faculty, L-R: Rudy Storch, Jay Freyman, Marilyn Goldberg, Carolyn Koehler and Walt Sherwin. The Department of Ancient Studies welcomed more than 120 guests —...

Posted: April 17, 2013, 3:19 PM

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun

In today’s Baltimore Sun, political science professor Thomas F. Schaller writes, Less than 24 hours ago, an apparent act of terrorism marred this year’s Boston Marathon. It’s too early to know...

Posted: April 16, 2013, 3:13 PM

Constantine Vaporis, Asian Studies, on PBS Blog

Constatine Vaporis, director of the Asian studies program and professor of history, was featured in a blog post on the PBS blog “The Rundown.”  The post was entitled “For Hundreds of Years, Cherry...

Posted: April 15, 2013, 6:23 PM

Roy Meyers, Political Science, on WPR and in the Gazette

In today’s Gazette, Roy T. Meyers, professor of political science, explains his expectation that Gov. O’Malley’s final legislative session will focus on job creation — an issue that will continue...

Posted: April 12, 2013, 7:49 PM

Manil Suri, Mathematics, on BBC’s “The Forum”

Manil Suri, professor of mathematics, was recently a guest on the BBC World Service program “The Forum” to discuss “Obsessions, new and old, in literature and technology.”  Joining Suri on the...

Posted: April 11, 2013, 3:28 PM

From UMBC to the World

Over Spring Break, a group of Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering students, Aaron Gibson, Dagmawi Tilahun, Kevin Tran, and Don Wong, led by Professor Govind Rao, and accompanied by...

Posted: April 10, 2013, 5:19 PM

Nicole Else-Quest, Psychology, in the Huffington Post

Nicole Else-Quest, assistant professor of psychology, is the author of an April 9 post in the “Huffington Post” blog entitled “Contextualizing the Conversation on Women and STEM.” Else-Quest is...

Posted: April 9, 2013, 8:26 PM

Career Q&A: Teacher & Poet Jackie Regales ’00, AmSt

Every so often, we’ll chat with an alum about what they do and how they got there. Today, in honor of National Poetry Month, we’re talking with English teacher and poet Jackie (Vreatt) Regales...

Posted: April 9, 2013, 6:16 PM