UMBC News and Magazine Headlines

From UMBC News and Magazine

Visual Music: A UMBC Faculty Concert with Video (3/25)

“Visual Music”: A UMBC Faculty Concert with Video will take place on March 25, 2015 at 4 p.m. in the Library Gallery. This event in the Friends of the Library & Gallery “ArtsNotes” /...

Posted: March 10, 2015, 3:49 PM

MIPAR Researchers Receive International Award

The International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics has awarded UMBC researchers David Salkever (Public Policy) and Brent Gibbons (Ph.D., ’13, Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and...

Posted: March 6, 2015, 7:10 PM

Spring into Action!

Are you tired of winter keeping you indoors? Then venture out to the excellent events happening around UMBC! [TODAY] Webinar: Stuff Your Resume with Keywords to Highlight Your Experience, March...

Posted: March 4, 2015, 6:50 PM

Anne Rubin, History, in the New York Times, on C-SPAN

Anne Rubin, an associate professor of history and author of Through the Heart of Dixie: Sherman’s March and American Memory (UNC Press 2014), recently published an article in the New York...

Posted: March 4, 2015, 5:19 PM

2015 May Commencement Ceremonies

From: Provost Rous As we prepare for the 2015 May Commencement, President Hrabowski and I cordially invite you to participate in the Commencement ceremonies of the Undergraduate and Graduate...

Posted: February 27, 2015, 8:53 PM