UMBC News and Magazine Headlines

From UMBC News and Magazine

Trax on Wax: A Staple of Catonsville’s Music Scene

Enjoy this peek inside one of the most interesting spots in neighboring Catonsville (AKA, “Music City Maryland”), as told and photographed by UMBC editorial intern Anjali DasSarma ’21.  ...

Posted: October 31, 2018, 3:02 PM

4 Reasons Gerrymandering is Getting Worse

John Rennie Short, Professor, School of Public Policy, UMBC November’s midterm elections are some of the most eagerly awaited, closely watched and hyperpartisan for many years. But the results...

Posted: October 29, 2018, 2:18 PM

Staging Important Conversations: She Like Girls

Trying to make it through high school unscarred is difficult, but trying to balance it while discovering one’s sexuality can feel impossible. That’s the story of Kia and Marisol, who struggle to...

Posted: October 23, 2018, 10:14 PM

Homecoming 2018: Magic Retriever Moments

This year’s Homecoming brought Retrievers of all ages back to their alma mater. In many ways, Homecoming represented the very best of what UMBC has to offer, from reunions with lifelong friends...

Posted: October 19, 2018, 9:18 PM