UMBC News and Magazine Headlines

From UMBC News and Magazine

The Impact of Orange is the New Black

Over the course of seven seasons, the Netflix series Orange Is The New Black (OITNB) has taken viewers—and its characters—on a roller coaster ride within the confines of a fictional minimum...

Posted: August 2, 2019, 8:33 PM

Miles to Go Before They Sleep

Nothing ruins a summer day like the invastion of bees, mosquitoes, and ants. Luckily, our UMBC students encountered a very different kind of bug this summer – the travel bug. UMBC’s Education...

Posted: August 2, 2019, 5:45 PM

UMBC Waking Up

While you were sleeping, our videographer Corey Jennings ’10 caught some quiet footage of our beautiful campus coming to life! [Video] See more videos of campus life at UMBCtube.

Posted: July 30, 2019, 6:59 PM

Like Mother, Like Daughter

As a kid, global studies major Zena Smith often heard her mother, Nicole Smith ’02, mathematics, talk about her years at UMBC. But until she visited—and experienced campus life in person—she never...

Posted: July 25, 2019, 2:05 PM

Depth of Field

By Tom Moore Close your eyes and picture, if you will, something scientific. Perhaps your mind conjures up an image of space exploration, or a melting glacier affected by climate change, or the...

Posted: July 24, 2019, 8:26 PM

Inaugural Maryland Arts Summit convenes at UMBC

On June 6–8, UMBC hosted the inaugural Maryland Arts Summit, co-organized the Maryland Citizens for the Arts, the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC), AEMS: Arts Education in Maryland Schools, and...

Posted: July 15, 2019, 7:03 PM